Why You Should Never Film Outside Barksdale Air Force Base [VIDEO]

Was he being an honorable citizen or was he just trying to get more information on the Barksdale Bubble?

This video popped up online a while back and I thought to myself, let’s revisit this now-viral YouTube video showcasing what happens when you film outside of a gate at Barksdale Air Force Base.

Let me start by saying, when it comes to Barksdale Air Force Base, ALL safety precautions are necessary, and I’d like to kick off this article by stating I know that our fine airmen did a fantastic job with this man. A guy stood just outside of the gate at BAFB and began filing the gate area. It took no time at all before a few of our Air Force finest’ confronted him to try to get to the bottom of what exactly he was doing filming the gate area.

It is amazing, though, how many in the comment section of this video are lambasting our armed forces for confronting the man and questioning him. Personally, I think it’s obvious that the man was filming just to get a rise out of our nation’s finest, but that’s just me.

What do you think?

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