WATCH: Shreveport Teacher Fat Shames Student In Class

This video started going viral yesterday after a teacher at a local Shreveport high school was caught on camera talking about weight and basically fat shaming.

Parents all over Shreveport and the ArkLaTex have expressed outraged over his comments to students.

Warning some of the audio is NSFW

According to the LoveShreveportBossier instagram page, some parents expressed their opinions in the comments section of the original video including:

“I do get his point .. I do get that he’s trying to explain that if you put the work in, you’ll succeed.. however he did it in a very cocky and unprofessional manner. It’s very aggravating trying to teach and do the right things for someone else only for them to mess it up and blame it on others.. I totally get the point but the way he came across is NOT professional.” said Hayli Cagle

“There are ways to address things like this and THIS was most definitely NOT the way. I WAS that insecure child in school that ended up with an eating disorder that cost me my scholarship and almost my LIFE! It’s nothing to joke or make light of. I understand trying to make a point and Lord knows, I’m pretty tough at doing that, BUT, I will not tolerate this type of behavior from a teacher. Period!” said Tiffany Hyde

((Featured Image Photo Credit; CANVA PRO))

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