Netflix Streaming Down Worldwide, We Might Have to Do Work At Work

Many people have been complaining online that they are having trouble streaming Netflix.  Netflix has now responded by announcing that people are experiencing issues streaming on all devises worldwide, so it doesn’t matter if it is happening on your television, phone, or tablet.  Netflix says they are aware of the problem and working on it.  They will resolve it as soon as they can, and they suggest playing solitaire or Mario Kart while sitting at your computer screen and pretending to work.

The great thing about this is if you live in Louisiana, you will have time today to go to the OMV until Netflix is back u…oh, the OMV system is offline too.  Ugh.  Computers were supposed to make our lives easier.  Maybe you should get the record player out of the closet like the Pilgrims did.  *Sigh.

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